Sunday, July 25, 2010

csim start command

csim start {number} is a hidden command to initiate simulated calls. It allows debugging for call routing from voice gateways and CUCME.

When command was issued it will looks into dial-peer configured on the router and send call to destination-pattern configured in dial-peer.

Note that this command also bypass COR configured in dial-peer.

Router#csim start 7101   ---> this case dial-peer was found and success to call

csim: called number = 7101, loop count = 1 ping count = 0

csim err csimDisconnected recvd DISC cid(4885)
csim: loop = 1, failed = 1
csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed = 0

Router#csim start 8001   ---> this case dial-peer was not found

csim: called number = 8001, loop count = 1 ping count = 0

csim err:csim_do_test Error peer not found


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