Thursday, July 22, 2010

Single Number reach(SNR) and Enterprise Feature Access(EFA)

SNR associates IP Phone number with the destination number(Up to 10) such as mobile phone. Incoming calls to a user IP Phone also ring to mobile phone at the same time.

With EFA user can originate calls from the remote destination phone through the Callmanager and instead of sending the mobile number to the called party, the user enterprise number gets sent to the called party.

Users can also use EFA to enable or disable SNR (Mobile connect).

Example configuration.

In this example incoming call to IP Phone DN 1001 will also ring to mobile phone number 0891111111.


1. In this example Route Pattern for mobile number will be 9.08XXXXXXXX with pre-dot discard digit.

2. CLID from PSTN to Callmanager is 0891111111.

3. You'll see in the example that application dial rule need to be used to make both SNR and EFA feature working.

Before you begin make sure that Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service already activated.

Step1. Create User Account(user1001 in this example), associate physical phone or EM profile to this user, check Enable Mobility and assign Standard CCM End User Role.

Step2. Enable EFA in Service Parameter.

Step3. Define EFA Number in Call Routing> Mobility Configuration.

Step4. Create Remote Destination Profile, Select Device> Device Settings> Remote Destination Profile and Add New.

For Calling Search Space enter CSS that can access EFA number Partition in Step3.
For Rerouting Calling Search Space enter CSS that can access PSTN Mobile Call.

Step5. Associate DN 1001 to this RDP, Note that this DN already associated with physical phone.

Step6. Add a New Remote Destination in RDP.

In Destination Number enter mobile number in this case 0891111111. This number must match CLID from PSTN to Callmanager, otherwise EFA will fail.

Delay Before Ringing Timer is the delay time before ring to mobile phone after IP Phone ring.

Define Schedule for this Remote Destination such as you may want to enable SNR only on weekends.

When receiving a call during the above ring schedule is the list of caller that you want to send call to mobile phone(Need to create Access List in Call Routing> Class of Control> Access List)

Save and check Line Associate in Association Information(Important!!!)

Step7. Go to Phone Configuration, assign softkey template that has Mobility softkey and assign Owner User ID(For EM assign this user to Device Profile).

Step8. Since we have to use 9 for access code but in Remote Destination has only 0891111111(why? see Step6 for reason to not include access code). So we need to use Application Dial Rule to help.

Select Call Routing> Dial Rule> Application Dial Rules and Add New.

With this rule system will prepend the digit 9 to number begin with 08 and digit length=10.

Step9. Test call to number 1001, call should be ring both IP Phone and mobile phone.

If you answer call from IP Phone, press Mobility Softkey and select send call to mobile phone, call should be sent to mobile phone.

If you answer call from mobile phone, IP Phone line status will show busy(red) and when you drop the call from mobile phone system still hold the line for a few second before disconnect the call so during this time you can pick up the call from IP Phone.

When you use mobile phone(Same number in Remote Destination) call in to EFA number and press PIN#1#Number to Call# this will use Callmanager to call out to destination and CLID will be user enterprise number(IP Phone) not mobile number.


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