Partition and Calling Search Space are used together to implement class-of-service permissions.
For example,
1. Phones in IT department can dial anywhere within the company and all local area codes, but not long distance or international.
2. Phones in HR department can place toll calls during normal business hours, but not at other times.
Use the following logic,
Partition(PT)=Where you are
Calling Search Space(CSS)=Where (List of PT) you can call.
Partition can be associated with DN, Route Pattern, Hunt Pilot, etc...
CSS can be associated with DN, Phone, Gateway, etc...
General conclusions,
Note: When I said PhoneX in X_PT it means DN of PhoneX in X_PT.
1. Phones in the same PT not mean that they can call each other, if PhoneA and PhoneB are in for example IT_PT but CSS of both phones=None PhoneA cannot call PhoneB, and vice-versa.
2. Phones can or cannot call to destination depend on its associated CSS not its PT.
As you can see PhoneA in IT_PT but CSS = None cannot call PhoneC and Local Area Call, but PhoneB without PT but CSS=CSS_B (with contain IT_PT, LOCAL_AREA_PT) can call PhoneC and Local Area Call.
3. Device/Destination (Phone, Route Pattern, Hunt Pilot, etc...) with PT=None can be accessed from any devices even those devices have CSS=None.
4. List of Partitions in CSS are determined in sequence.
In the picture PhoneA has CSS that can access both IT_PT and HR_PT but IT_PT is in the first list, when PhoneA dial 1002 it will always ring to PhoneB.
5. When you associate CSS in both Device and Line, the result is the combination of both CSS
Great explanation with really simple and nice examples. Please keep it up and also upload some CUCM 8.6 configuration. Also something about Cisco Jabber.